
Tuesday 13 August 2013


Learning from the failure can help improve future performances; that is if one takes the crucial lessons from it. This doesn't work for many individuals who often claim that failure is bad (there is no doubt about that) and the solutions to eradicating it's consequences are straightforward.

Learning from one's failure is often anything but straightforward. The proper strength and mentality required to amend the outcome may be hard to find.  

Lessons from failure will at the end empower you to undertake a different way of doing things and the whole aspect of decision making. This cannot happen unless you fail and learn how to confront failure.

Here are a few lessons one can learn:

(i) Explore new strategies
Failing means you have learnt what doesn't work. Explore new ways of doing things. Do not be scared of being different because not all the tested strategies work for everyone.

(ii) When to trust your instincts
If before you failed you felt that whatever approach you were taking wasn’t right and eventually it didn’t work out, then take it as a lesson. Learn to listen to that inner feeling that made you hesitant at first and try using a different approach whenever it awakens.

(iii) Welcome failure
It is greatly accepted that there can be no success without failure. Welcome it as an opportunity to learn. It will be worth it at the end.

(iv) Start afresh
If it doesn’t work out to your expectation, start afresh. It’s never late to rework and improvise. Create a better plan with a stronger foundation borrowing whatever you need from the earlier strategy.

(v) Evolve with your idea
The results for mistakes are lessons and growth. What you do will often evolve alongside your mindset and the desire to succeed. You and your idea will greatly influence the other. Learn to grow with your idea.

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